Illinois Junior Science and Humanities Symposium


Last Updated: Sep 06, 2024, 02:04 PM

Conference Materials

Research Papers


Students will submit their papers and be invited for either the Oral Presentation or the Poster Session. Projects must be original investigations on experimental, field, observational, or applied research in the science, engineering, mathematics fields.  Paper submissions must be prepared according to the Core Rules of Competition


A committee of SIU personnel, including the IJSHS Regional Director, will review all submitted research papers, meet to discuss the merits of each paper, and select which students are to present at the Symposium.

The review committee will determine the method of presentation (oral or poster session). Note: The Symposium reserves the right to reject papers if guidelines are not followed. Papers that are resubmitted from a previous year must be substantially advanced or they will not be considered for presentation.


Presenters will have 12 minutes to present their project with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, and 3 minutes for questions from the judges.


The poster session takes place after the conclusion of the Oral Paper Presentations. Presenters will have 5 minutes to present their research to a three judge panel, and 5 minutes for questions from the judges.


Students should visit the Illinois Junior Science and Humanities website for an explanation of submissions that must accompany the research paper (Abstract, Biological Sketch, Student Photo, and Statement of Assistance). 

Arun Thottumkara, a first-place finalist in both the 2003 Illinois and National JSHS, has given permission to post his paper, "Oxidation of Benzyl...Esters Using a Novel Hypervalent Iodine Reagent” as a reference item for Illinois JSHS students and teachers. Arun's paper has also been published. Article and tips on preparing your presentation for JSHS (Student presenter and National JSHS winner) -pdf.


Statement of Outside Assistance

The Statement of outside Assistance Form is a series of questions provided by JSHS inquiring about your research project.  The form is a required portion of the student presenters registration process.

Cover Letter

The cover letter is a biographic paragraph about yourself.  Please complete listing information about yourself, family, interests, hobbies, plans for your future, etc. Make sure you include your name and school.


The abstract is a one page document that should include: Title of the research project, student presenters name, school, sponsor and a paragraph summarizing/describing the research project.

Conference Information

  • Submission and Registration Deadlines

    • Jan 14 - Teacher/Sponsor RSVP due.
    • Jan 25 - Student registration and research project deadline.  All students who wish to apply must register and submit an abstract and research paper reporting the results of their STEM research in CVENT.
    • Feb 1 - SIU staff will notify students to confirm participation in oral or poster presentations.
    • Feb 15 - All remaning participants (family, observers, chaperones, parents, volunteers, STEM professionals,etc), complete registration. 
    • Mar 1 & 2- Illinois Regional Symposium at SIU Carbondale.
  • Event Schedule

    Day 1: Wednesday, March 1
    Groups will check in to the hotel in the late afternoon.  After unpacking, you will meet on campus at the Student Center to set up posters, practice oral sessions and join the opening ceremony.  Afterwards, a  reception will cap off the evening.  

    Day 2:  Thursday, March 2 
    Groups arrive at the Student Center in the morning and present oral and paper presentations.  After lunch you will visit research labs and later,join the awards ceremony.

  • JSHS Sponsors

    Visit the National Junior Science and Humanities Symposia Page for awards, abstract, photos, and more.  Registration is not yet live, please check back soon!


    The United States Department of the Army has sponsored the Junior Science and Humanities Symposia (JSHS) program since its inception in 1958. The Departments of the Navy and the Air Force joined the sponsorship in 1995.

    Specific cooperating organizations include:

    • The Army Research Laboratory's Army Research Office, Research Triangle Park, NC
    • The Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA
    • The Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
    • The Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Arlington, VA
  • Participation

    Registration is now open in CVENT.

    Nomination Form

    Students who plan on entering the IJSHS competition should have their sponsoring teacher contact Rebecca Dycus at before Jan. 14.  The nomination form is an indicator to SIU staff that you plan on attending the event and is not an official registration for the event. 


    IJSHS registration is processed through CVENT, all attendees; students presenters, student observers, teachers and chaperones, will need to complete the official registration through CVENT in order to attend the IJSHS competition. We encourage all who plan to attend to start the registration process as soon as possible.  Deadlines for registration are listed in the blue boxes above.   You may start the registration process and edit or complete the process at different times.  Once you create your account, be sure to keep your login information in order to access the registration at a later date.


Duane J. Lickteig, IJSHS

Rebecca Dycus