Young Writers' Conference


Last Updated: Aug 22, 2024, 03:42 PM

Camp Information

Camp enrollment is limited to 30 participants. Registration will be on a first come, first serve basis

FEES: $150

MEALS: Meals will be served in the Student Center


June 20, 2024
When: 9:30 am
Where: Faner Hall, Humanities Lounge, Second Floor

Classes begin at 10 am each morning and conclude at 6 pm each evening.

Parking permit ($8) available at registration.

  • Registration Options

    Cancellation Policy: Cancellations before June 14 will be refunded, less $15. No refunds after June 14, 2024.

  • Writing Samples

    Writing samples should be typed (no more than 3 poems or 3‐5 five pages of a storyor an essay). These writing samples will help our staff determine the "Best of the Conference" Awards.

    Participants who submit a 3‐to‐5‐page writing sample of poetry or prose (fiction and nonfiction) will be considered for"Best of the Conference" Awards. Awards will be announced at a ceremony on the last day of the Conference. No additional application necessary for award consideration.

  • Program Requirements


    2024 Camp Medical Release Form must be submitted to Events and Outreach prior to the start of conference in order to attend.

    You and your parent/guardian will be required to sign the Young Writers Conference Conduct Policy prior to attending the camp. Paperwork will be forwarded with your registration confirmation letter. Our recommendation is that all concerned review the policy together before signing, then return it to Events and Outreach