LEGO Camps
Types of LEGOs Camps
Beginning Engineering LEGOS Camp
For those entering 1st and 2nd grade in the fall of 2024. Join us for one of the three exciting sessions of Beginning Engineering LEGOs Camp! Camp projects will include basic LEGO part and construction; level and catapult, car, pulley, conveyor, gears, gears with belts, simple crane, gears with chains, motorized gears, motorized turn stile, motorized car construction, folding chair, draw bridge, motorized player piano, motorized windshield wipers, helicopter, airplane, motorized car, motorized conveyor belt and a motorized Merry-Go-Round. There will also be a take home project, as well as challenged creative time.
Each camper will receive excellent faculty delivery, quality curriculum and a final project to take home on Friday.
Camp Location: SIU Carbondale, Quigley Hall, Room 118
Registration Fee: $150 ($120 for June 17-21, a 4 day camp)
2024 Registration Form
2024 Camp Release Form
Register Online for summer 2024:
Camp Time: 8:30 am - 12 noon each session
Advanced Engineering LEGOS Camp
For those entering 3rd, 4th or 5th grade in the fall of 2024. Join us for one of five fun sessions of Advanced LEGOs Engineering Camp! Camp projects will include a street cleaner, disk car, hand held crane, mechanical hammer, disk speedster, balance, balance with dial, windmill, sail car, motorized go-cart, motorized rail, motorized walking stick, motorized dog, motorized crane, weighted crane, motorized dragster, mobile crane, tow truck, helicopter and an airplane. There will also be a take home project, as well as challenged creative time. New projects will explore renewable energy sources; investigate energy supply, transfer, accumulation, conversion and consumption; and use measurements and data analysis to describe and explain outcomes through hands-on activities.
Each camper will receive excellent faculty delivery, quality curriculum and a final project to take home on Friday.
Camp Location: SIU Carbondale, Quigley Hall, Room 118
Registration Fee: $150 ($120 for June 17-21, a 4 day camp)
2024 Registration Form
2024 Camp Release Form
Register Online for summer 2024:
Camp Time: 1:00 - 4:30 pm each session
WeDo Robotic Engineering LEGOS Camp
For those entering 3rd, 4th or 5th grade in the fall of 2024. Join us for one of three sessions of WeDo Robotics LEGO Camp!
Campers will be involved in creating engaging learning experiences in science, literacy, math, and social studies. Using the LEGO Education WeDo hardware and software, in combination with these activities, students will be inspired to think critically, problem solve and be creative. Activities cover the Wild Animals theme models: Hungry Alligator, Flying Bird and Roaring Lion. Mathematics, literacy, science and social studies activities will be incorporated for each model as well as standards covering visuals arts, dramatic arts, music, physical education and technology. There will also be a take home project, as well as challenged creative time.
Camp Location: SIU Carbondale, Quigley Hall, Room 120
Registration Fee: $150 ($120 for June 17-21, a 4 day camp)
2024 Registration Form
2024 Camp Release Form
Register Online for summer 2024:
Camp Time: 1:00 - 4:30 pm each session
Mindstorm LEGOS Camp
For those entering 3rd, 4th or 5th grade in the fall of 2024. Join us for one of the six brand new, exciting sessions of LEGO Mindstorms Camps!
The Southern Illinois University Carbondale School of Architecture LEGO Camps is excited to announce LEGO Mindstorms EV3 has arrived! Combining the versatility of the LEGO building system with the most advanced technology LEGO has developed, unleash the creative powers of the new LEGO Mindstorms EV3 set to create and command robots that walk, talk, think, and do anything you can imagine. Instructors will assist in the step-by-step 3D building instructions to create TRACK3R, R3PTAR, SPIK3R, EV3RSTORM, and GRIPP3R and bring them to life with an easy, intuitive, and icon-based programming interface. Students will use the remote control and take on challenging ready-made missions or they can download the free app and command their robot using their won smart device. The LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robot revolution has begun!
Camp Location: SIU Carbondale, Quigley Hall, Room 120
Registration Fee: $175 ($140 for June 20-23, a 4 day camp)
2024 Registration Form
2024 Camp Release Form
Register Online:
Camp Time: 8:30 am - 12 noon each session
LEGO Camp Founder
Davey had a special concern with inspiring young people to be creative and have fun while learning, his legacy lives on in the annual summer LEGO camps taking place each June.